Structural insight into BRCA1-BARD1 complex recruitment to damaged chromatin



•Cryo-EM structure of human BARD1 in complex with H2AK15-ubiquitinated nucleosome•The BUDR motif contacts the nucleosome acidic patch and ubiquitin K63-E64•The ARD domain grips H4 tail by accommodating unmethylated H4K20•Mutations disrupting BARD1-NCPUb association impair homologous recombination The BRCA1-BARD1 directs DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway choice to error-free (HR) during S-G2 stages. Targeting DSB-proximal sites requires BARD1-mediated interaction histone mark recognition. Here, we report cryo-EM bound a ubiquitinated core particle (NCPUb) at 3.1 Å resolution illustrate how simultaneously recognizes damage-induced H2AK15ub replication-associated H4K20me0 on nucleosome. In vitro vivo analyses reveal that is stabilized BARD1-nucleosome interaction, BARD1-ubiquitin domain-BARD1 BRCT abrogating these interactions detrimental HR activity. We further identify multiple disease-causing mutations disrupt hence HR. 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Biochemical cell-based assays demonstrate intermolecular intramolecular bindings Our findings address previous questions regarding role BARD1’s point suggest pathogenic cancer-associated BARD1. elucidate DSB-surrounding recruit BRCA1-BARD1, analyzed without ubiquitination. prepared containing both 425–777, hereafter referred BARD1) (Figure 1A). reconstituted NCPs harboring non-hydrolyzable Ub H2AK15 (termed NCPUb), mimics native (see STAR Methods), using 147 bp Widom 601 DNA. performed microscale thermophoresis (MST) examine whether presents preference NCPUb over unmodified 1B). Indeed, NCPUb, yielding dissociation constant (Kd) equal 0.4 ?M. 18-fold tighter than BARD1-unmodified (Kd = 7.1 ?M; Figure 1C). used isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) probe stoichiometry demonstrated one (N 2.06) S1A). These results agreement finding showing acts H2AK15ub. specific should rely nucleosomes, given displayed no measurable free S1B). Further analysis S1C), implicating cooperation observation supports indispensable activity (Laufer 2007Laufer Nandula S.V. Modi A.P. Jasin Murty V.V.V.S. Ludwig requirements chromosomal stability repair.J. 2007; 282: 34325-34333Abstract (40) decipher determined single-particle overall (Fourier shell correlation [FSC] 0.143 criterion) (Figures S1D–S1J). final reconstruction sufficiently detailed features allowed us build model (Table 1). extra density above attributed 1D). Inspection map well-resolved side-chain majority complex, allowing unambiguously S2). Of note, densities corresponding ends inferior elements S1I), presumably because conformational flexibility ends.Table 1Cryo-EM data collection, refinement, validation statisticsBARD1-NCPUb Complex (EMD-31020) (PDB: 7E8I)Data collection processingMagnification130,000Voltage (kV)200Electron exposure (e–/Å2)50Defocus range (?m)?1.2 1.8Pixel size (Å)1Symmetry imposedC1Initial images (no.)2,783,473Final (no.)168,313Map (Å)3.11FSC threshold0.143Map (Å)2.8–6.0RefinementInitial (PDB code)• 3C5R (ARD), 3FA2 (BRCT)• 5KGF (ubiquitin), 3LZ0 (nucleosome)Model (Å)3.25FSC threshold0.5Map sharpening B (Å2)?81.4Model compositionNon-hydrogen atoms15,280Protein residues1,176Nucleotide290Ligands0B factors (Å2)Protein87.90Nucleotide125.25RMSDsBond lengths (Å)0.005Bond angles (°)0.727ValidationMolProbity score1.63Clashscore7.90Poor rotamers (%)0.00Ramachandran plotFavored (%)96.79Allowed (%)3.21Disallowed (%)0.00RMSD, root-mean-square deviation. Open table tab RMSD, high-resolution single copy wherein NCP classical coin shape sits atop bottom edge plate H2A-H2B 1E 2A ). occupy different areas mediate binding. On side, wedges into cleft formed nucleosome, burying solvent-accessible approximate 437.7 537.4 Å2, respectively 2A). Intriguingly, putative PAR-binding pocket resides far from NCPUb-binding interface 2A), supporting subordinate mediating localization compared BRCT-NCPUb interaction. rests alongside 1E), coinciding ARD’s function H4K20me0. EM linker region (BARD1 residues 546–566) connecting absent 1D 1E). region, will later, crucial Below, describe details each interacting interface. serves hotspot numerous nucleosome-binding (McGinty Tan, 2015McGinty R.K. Tan Nucleosome function.Chem. 115: 2255-2273Crossref (243) Zhou 2019Zhou Gaullier Luger dynamics coming age.Nat. 3-13Crossref (113) takes advantage nexus recognize domain. primary contact centered residue R705, establishes salt network triad E61, D90, E92) 2B). 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Collectively, molecular comparison 53BP1-NCPUb (Wilson placed distinct orientation relative S4A), indicating divergent modes 53BP1-UDR binds canonical patch,” do most partners. relocation, masked inaccessible S4B S4C). result indicated conformationally plastic recognized proteins ways. K63-linked polyubiquitin abundant related (Lee 2017Lee B.L. Singh Mark Glover J.N. Hendzel M.J. Spyracopoulos Molecular processes repair: focus kinetics dynamics.J. 2017; 429: 3409-3429Crossref (23) suggested likely incompatible S4D). T12 recently intolerant yet permissive BRCA1/BARD1-mediated (Walser 2020Walser Mulder M.P.C. Bragantini Burger Gubser Gatti Botuyan Villa Altmeyer Neri al.Ubiquitin Thr12 modulates response.Mol. 80: 423-436.e9Abstract (16) conclusion does participate unlikely disturbs S4E). As mentioned above, mainly extensive while I44, H68, V70 T116 K117 (T119 K120 3A). 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عنوان ژورنال: Molecular Cell

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1097-4164', '1097-2765']